Creativity that brings results.

If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favourable.
– Séneca
Brand Diagnosis, for entrepreneurs and brands seeking a direction, a creative and impressive marketing strategy that minimises risks and increases the returns on investment. For those who looking for clarity in a moment of uncertainty.
My name is Guilherme Costa, I'm a Brand Strategist, welcome.
The L(Cr)azy Eye Creative
duration 7:41
Trust for over a decade

More than clients, partners.
Being crazy is seeing what is not there.
Being creative is seeingwhat could be.
Strategic creativity is not an art, but a carefully crafted process through a deep analysis of your business and your brand. It is, in reality, the search for simple solutions to seemingly complex challenges.
Simple solutions with extraordinary results.
- Brand Diagnosis
- Marketing Strategy
- Brand Repositioning
- Product/Service Launch
- Concept Creation
- Brand Creation
- Marketing Direction & Oversight
Other impactfulsolutions.
- Content Analysis
- Marketing Actions & Campaigns
- A/B Testing
- Performance Analysis
- Website Creation
- Copywriting
- Video & Photography
No Plans. Solutions made just for you. Check out our tools!
Grow Your Brand
Grow Your Brand
Grow Your Brand
Grow Your Brand
Grow Your Brand
Grow Your Business
Grow Your Business
Grow Your Business
Grow Your Business
Grow Your Business
Who and what is Guilherme Costa?
I specialise in Creative & Strategic Marketing, commonly known as a Brand Strategist.
I love finding the balance between communication, creativity, and results.
I have two Degrees, one in Languages and International Relations and the other in Communication Sciences.
I've been diagnosed with ADHD, so I think outside, around, and far away from the box.
At the University I founded the first Cineclub. I spent a year in Russia doing Erasmus Mundus as the first scholarship holder at the University, and the first Portuguese in the city of Izhevsk. I swam in icy lakes, felt the chilling -35ºC on my skin. I did Parkour for 12 years and was one of the first coaches in the world.
I love testing the limits of the possible and exploring new ways of doing things.
I'm afraid of the unknown, but I'm even more afraid of ignorance.
I worked in marketing agencies and on the client side. I worked with international brands and helped to increase revenues of millions of euros, as well as helping small local brands to grow and become references in their business area.
I am happy and married, father of a small child, which is the reason for wanting a better world.
What is Marketing Diagnosis & Strategy all about?
Like all business investments, marketing needs to have a strategy to leverage and maximise the return on investment. This is done through a holistic analysis and vision of the brand and the creation of a communication and commercial strategy.
Depending on the available budget, this is an in-depth session of exploration and diagnosis of marketing challenges, in the form of a meeting or workshop, which can vary from 4 to 16 hours.
Why do I need a Marketing Diagnosis & Strategy?
Imagine your brand as a mail package. When we are inside the box, it is very difficult to see the label glued to the outside, that states the destination's address.
I come from the outside, with an objective and macro vision, with an impartial opinion and extensive experience in Marketing, being able to state, that with the current label, where your package is heading, and how to change course.
This Marketing Diagnosis & Strategy helps you create, outline and organise an action plan.
It's important to have someone by your side to help you idealise the concept, communication and positioning, evaluating resources and creating a strategy based on a defined budget, with the aim of maximising the returns on investment.
Don't you have set prices or packages?
No! I believe that each company and each brand has unique challenges, so it doesn't make sense to have the same solutions for everyone.
I don't sell solutions without knowing you, you, the business, and the goals to be achieved. I believe that Marketing is an investment and not a cost.
The price is adaptable to the available budget of each brand, so that the solutions are adapted to the resources and not the other way around.